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Krampitz PR-Leitfaden

Our publications

Communication study

We published our communication study in 2014 to make the industry aware of strategic communication. For this purpose, we empirically investigated whether the messages of wind and solar companies reach the relevant target groups and how professionally the companies communicate.

The result: There is much more to be done! Less than one in five companies in the renewable energy sector communicates professionally. And less than one in a hundred communication messages is recognised by the target group. Read it for yourself. You can order the free short report (in german) via our  contact form.

Gebundene Ausgabe Kommunikationsstudie PR Krampitz

PR Guide

Back in 2012, we published the first international PR guide for the renewable energy industry and have since sold it in 15 countries. Ninety-two percent of readers would recommend the book to others, which of course makes us very happy.

Extensive chapters of the 224-page work are devoted to

  • The development and implementation of PR strategies and concepts
  • Media relations measures and tools
  • Internet marketing and social media
  • International PR
  • Crisis communication
  • Practical PR tips for successful communication

Price: 12,95€ (plus shipping)

Until 31 December 2024, you will receive a free PDF of the PR guide with new chapters on the following topics:

-AI in Corporate communications

-The online press conference

-Update: Online marketing

-Update: Social media

The PDF with the new chapters is also available separately at a price of €9.95 from July 2024 on.


Find an extract of the book here.


Order your own copy here

What journalists say about the PR guide:

Explainer videos

Since the publication of our PR guide, a lot has happened, not only in the energy industry, but also in the PR world. That's why we have been releasing explainer videos continuously since 2019.

Whether it's Instagram, press releases or online press conferences – in catchy videos, we clearly explain what there is to know and consider when it comes to PR.

Become part of our community and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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