PR Technology
From testing institutes
to UPS pioneers
As natural scientists and technology experts, we do not shy away from challenging topics. This is also known to our technology customers, who have been booking us for many years because of our expertise, technical understanding and adept technical contributions.
From testing institutes
to UPS pioneers
As natural scientists and technology experts, we do not shy away from challenging topics. This is also known to our technology customers, who have been booking us for many years because of our expertise, technical understanding and adept technical contributions.
Ghostwriting for TÜV Rheinland
Whether fire protection, solar cell measurement or quality assurance of PV installations. Whether offshore monitoring, continued operation or Green IT. Since 2010, we have been writing articles – mostly as ghostwriters – for the testing institute TÜV Rheinland, which we place in relevant trade media.
In addition, we have supported TÜV Rheinland in recent years by creating content for the website, writing and placing press releases and managing invitations for press events at Intersolar Europe in Munich, WindEnergy in Hamburg and HUSUM Wind.
Social media for Bachmann electronic
Von 2005 bis 2011 bauten sie und ihr Team die Unternehmens-PR für Sputnik Engineering in ganz Europa auf. Dazu zählten Kommunikationskonzepte und die kontinuierliche Beratung, Events für Kunden und Journalisten im In- und Ausland, Corporate Publishing, der Relaunch der Website und die sechssprachige Pressearbeit.
Iris Krampitz war während der siebenjährigen Zusammenarbeit für die Geschäftsführung des Schweizer Wechselrichterherstellers zudem als Trend- und Technologie-Scout auf internationalen Fachmessen und Konferenzen unterwegs.
Sputnik wuchs in dieser Zeit von 38 auf mehr als 500 Mitarbeiter und erschloss kontinuierlich neue Märkte. Daher betreuten wir das Unternehmen nicht nur in Deutschland und der Schweiz, sondern u.a. auch in Frankreich, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Italien, Portugal und Spanien.
Bachmann electronic provides hardware and software for industrial automation systems. At HUSUM Wind 2017, the company announced its milestone of 100,000 automated wind turbines.
We developed a social media strategy and placed content via LinkedIn and a newly established Twitter channel. At SPS IPC Drives 2017 in Nuremberg, we continued the campaign for decision-makers in the metalworking industry.
External press office for SOCOMEC
Der Start in die Selbstständigkeit mit PV-Wechselrichtern lag nahe. Bereits als Redakteurin für Photon und Photon International, Sonne Wind und Wärme und Renewable Energy World besuchte Iris Krampitz von 2002 bis 2004 die Produktionsstätten der verschiedensten Hersteller in Deutschland, den Niederladen und Italien. Sie erstellte Marktübersichten und hunderte Beiträge, in denen es um Modul-, String- und Zentralwechselrichter, um Datenlogger, ENS und MPP-Tracker ging.
Our collaboration with French manufacturer SOCOMEC kicked off in 2019 with communication concepts, trade press relations and trade show videos to raise awareness of the company's UPS solutions, particularly among data centres.
A year later, SOCOMEC's measurement and monitoring systems were added as a new PR topic for us. Since 2023, we have been helping SOCOMEC to establish its outdoor electricity storage systems on the German market.
We create content, place PR articles, arrange press meetings and support trade fair PR, for example at Data Centre World, E-World, Volta-X and ees Europe. We also handled an exclusive press conference at SOCOMEC's headquarters in Benfeld, Alsace, in 2023.